Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Black Friday Sales - at a Pharmacy?

One of the great things I discovered in couponing is that Black Friday is not only for electronics and toys, but killer deals on household products!

Last year I went to CVS for their sales. I wanted to keep my out of pocket (OOP) cost as low as possible, so I wanted to find a way to "roll" my initial 9.98 in ECBs (see The Krazy Coupon Lady's CVS 101 for more information on these) into as much free stuff as possible. This meant four transactions. However, the store was pretty dead when I went in the morning, so I think the cashier was glad I split things up and gave him more to do!

A breakdown of my trips is as follows:

Note: It would have been more efficient if I had purchased the Old Spice deodorant first. However, since it was my first time CVS Black Friday shopping, I had arranged my purchases according to importance to me. That way if certain items were low, I could concentrate only on those things I wanted most. 

I later came to find out CVS does offer rain checks on items - but when I tried to use a rain check later on a Black Friday item, the manager was not very pleasant (although he did honor it). 

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