It is my opinion that food storage should be more than just a few $10 cans of wheat and canned chicken chunks. I would rather have things like $0.05 pasta and $0.67 spaghetti sauce, or $0.50 granola bars and $0.67 peanut butter any day. Not only will my family actually enjoy these items in the event of an emergency, but it also makes it much easier to rotate through.
Additionally, I have found that a good storage is useful not only in times of disaster but in times of economic crunch. Keeping a supply of cheap (and especially free) toiletries, laundry items and other supplies has allowed us to have items we need on-hand, rather than forcing us to pay full price later.
A portion of our toiletries and supplies collection. I am especially proud of the Up and Up facial tissues - only $7.49 for 20 boxes.
We are particularly excited about the General Mills cereal - every two boxes earns us a free $12 movie ticket. Boxes were purchased for as little as $2 a box - that's like paying only $4 a movie ticket (and having free cereal.)
Slightly embarrassing, but come on, we all use it! And these rolls only cost us $0.18 a roll (except that one package of Great Value brand at $0.30 a roll - who says generic is less expensive?)
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